Individual Perspective Building

At this stage of our lives, many of us have likely heard “hindsight is 20/20”. I do believe it’s true that we can often reflect on our experiences, learn from them, and move forward. Of course it would have been great to know then what we know now, but most of us cannot predict the future.

I am a firm believer that perspective is an incredibly powerful tool, but our experiences can color how we view the world (which is sometimes to our advantage, and other times to our disadvantage). When drawing on perspective, it’s important to balance our emotional reactions with a rational approach. By finding that balance, we’re approaching a situation more mindfully, hence the name Mindful Perspective®.

As a social worker for 16 years, I’ve helped over a thousand people with various issues in their lives. This can range from situational issues to full-blown crises. I’ve provided resources, psychoeducation, supportive counseling, and therapy, depending on the situation and what the client needed in that moment.

When I developed Mindful Perspective® the goals were to help people who feel stuck, who aren’t quite sure which path they should take, or who just need someone outside of their friend and family systems to listen and plan with.

  • Individual Perspective Building Sessions have a focus on charting a path forward by:

    •Pulling from past experiences;

    •Examining where you are currently in life; and

    •Considering where you want to go in life

  • We’ll take a bird’s eye view of your current situation, and consider some of the paths you have in front of you (or maybe that you’re not even seeing). By doing this, it allows for us to consider possible barriers and possible solutions as you move forward. Some of the skills used will include:




    •Goal Setting


    •Brief Interventions

    •Supportive Counseling

    •Solution-Focused Approaches

  • It is important to note that this is not therapy. Therapy is a deeper dive into what is behind any emotional distress and mental health struggles. This is a pro-active approach that can involve reflecting on the past, but it’s really about planning for the future. Both can improve wellness.

  • We can start with a free consultation to make sure I understand what you’re hoping to get out of one or more sessions. After that, each session is $80 per hour.